Stationary & Pens
In the digital age we live in, handwritten notes are becoming a lost art. Handwritten notes benefits both the sender and the recipient. The act of writing a note forces the sender to be thoughtful in the message that is being sent. Most people love to get mail (that isn't junk mail or bills) and kind thoughts from someone can carry you through the day. I must admit that I was not a good note sender and struggled with what to say until my life change in 2017 with the loss of my brother - the 4th Flamingo. Like many people today, I looked to Google to get me started. There are many websites and tons advice on the internet to help you on your way. (I posted a few links below.) My stationary is the perfect way for you to send your positive message.
These pens are fun! The ink is black Wrapped with the print of the painting of Wet Kiss. Carry a piece of art to jot down notes.
1 pen $4.00
2 pens $7.00
3 pens or more $3.00 a piece
“A letter always seemed to me like immortality because it is the mind alone without corporeal friend.” — Emily Dickinson
Set of 12 notecards. Each featuring a picture of a different painting. The note cards measure 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 inches. Notecards are blank inside leaving room for you to write your own message. Comes colored envelopes.
Set of 12 - $20.00

This is the most popular notecard I have. Set of 12 notecards. Each featuring a picture of Edwin. The note cards measure 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 inches. Notecards are blank inside leaving room for you to write your own message.
Set of 12 - $20.00
I wrote hundreds of notes to anonymous people after the loss of my brother (the 4th Flamingo) in 2017. As I struggled to deal with my grief, I found my way to The World Needs More Love Letters. As a result, I began leaving handwritten positive notes everywhere I went - the library, the gas station, restaurants and anywhere else I visited. These notes were not about me and my grief. They were positive messages to the person who picked up the letter. Letting the recipient know that wherever they were in life, they were strong enough and brave enough to handle anything. Reaching out to others helped me cope with my grief and led me to a better place.