I paint commission pieces as well. Below are some of the commissioned pieces I have painted. Contact me if you need a commissioned piece.

6 x 6 acrylic This piece was commissioned for a birthday gift.

I wanted to paint a person and needed to practice. So I painted my husband. Yes, he smokes a pipe and wears a monacle. I couldn't decide if he was Colonel Mustard or Mr. Peanut, so, he is Colonel Peanut.

Towards the end of 2020, I felt drained creatively, and I was open to suggestions. A friend of mine has a little girl who suggested I paint a pink leopard. The idea struck me as fun. So, I have started a hot pink leopard. I really enjoyed painting the eyes. I debated about whether the use many colors for the spots or to limit to one color, but eventually decided on the many colors.